Thursday, February 26, 2009

AMNQ-Blog #1

My sentence for last nights homework was...

"Aisha and I, we never hit it off, really.  She's the quick one, the one with a flashing temper whom Abba treats like a firstborn son, while I'm the slow-wit second-born who just follows along."  (page 3)

I found these two sentences interesting because I want to find out how Aisha and Nadira's relationship ends up. I like reading about the connection between Aisha and Nadira because I get along with my brother very well.  When I look at my brother and then think about my academic life when I was his age I always say how he learns a lot differently then me.  He understands new concepts in school a lot faster then I did when I was in 3rd grade.  Even though I learned things differently  then my brother my parents still loved me the same, maybe even more. I think that Abba should treat both of his daughters the same way even thought Aisha is smarter then her sister.


  1. I agree. I find the relationship between these two sisters very strained. At one point in the reading when Aisha calls Nadira a pig because she wants a french fry, I felt really bad for Nadira. On the other hand, she says that they do hang out at Dunkin' Doughnuts and McDonalds together.

  2. I also want to find out what is going to happen between the sisters. What do you think is going to happen? I think Abba will end up seeing that Nadira has some good qualities too! And the thing about your brother was a good point about your life and connected you to the story.
