Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AMNQ-Blog #10

"A cold sensation tingles through my body to the tips of my fingers. It's like a map that suddenly becomes clear-lines start feeding into each other, connecting the parts. I pull out the new fax, look again. I've got it, I think. I've got a way to get Abba out." (page 117)

Reading this part in the book I was sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next. I love the description in the beginning of the sentence when she is talking about the cold tingle through her body to the tips of her fingers. When I get that feeling it is usually when something sharp scratches a chalk board and makes a screeching sound. I really like how this quote relates to a map. In the beginning of the book a theme that I noticed was a map and I like how the author, Marina Budhos refers to a map again.
I was very excited when I read "I've got it, I think." because Aisha has always been the one to fix the loose ends but this time it is Nadira. I was not really shocked when Nadira called Tareq for help. In the beginning of the book I always had a feeling Tareq would play a bigger role later on. Do you guys think Nadira did the right thing by leaving that building where she could get the green cards and social security numbers or should she have stayed and gone along with it to try to save her father?


  1. I didn't notice that this was written like the map at the beginning of the book. Good catch, Rebecca! I think it was the right idea to leave Tareq and the other men behind. She should not be dealing with this group of people, it can be very dangerous, and what they are doing is VERY illegal. I don't think that Nadira should have gone in the first place, I think that that was an extremely stupid decision.

  2. I also noticed the thing about the maps in the beginning, but I think the way you worded it makes it very understandable. To answer your question I was kind of wondering why Nadira ran away, and I was kind of mad she wasn't helping her dad, but her dad would have in no way wanted her to help him in this way.

  3. I agree with you guys. It was the right decision for her to leave, I just think she shouldn't have run away like she did. She's in a strange place with no way to get home... I don't think she thought that one out.
    Nice comment on the maps Becca, I'd almost forgotten about that. Good job!

  4. WOW, Becca!! I love your blog! It's great how you connected the maps with these chapters, and how you talked about how the quote affected you. Great job. I mostly agree with what Maya said, except for I think she should have stayed. Yes, it was very risky, and yes she's in a strange place, but now running away from, first, the opportunity to get her father out of jail, (which has been her goal throughout the entire book), but also to run away from strangers with guns who might try to CATCH her. Smart, Nadira, Smart.

  5. great description Becca. I was also was on the edge of my couch wondering what her great plan was. I wasn't shocked either when she called for Tareq's help, it was sort of obvious sooner or later someone was going to call him for help. Great blog Rebecccaa

  6. I agree with the fact that she made the right move leaving. I think it was an awesome way of wording the relationship between the maps in the chapters. You made it easy to understand the map things,Becca. Sarah, I also think that it was a risky move leaving, but it is also a risky move to stay in the house with a GUN sitting on the counter "like a carton of milk". I don't think random strangers will run after her. Find a subway or something. Please Nadria, Please.

  7. When I was reading the book I wasn't sure if Nadira made the right choice to leave the house but I am now glad that she did.

  8. I also noticed the map thing, but I didn't think it would become important. Great B(log) Rebecca! I liked how you connected the map thing to what Nadira said!

  9. Sarah, in my perspective, if she stayed, she could have gotten into a LOT of trouble. There were guns lying around freely, which makes me pretty sure that all them men had guns on them. This is a really risky situation and Nadira probably got nervous, which caused her to panic. I think that she should have waited for Tareq to come up to her, and then tell him that she can't go through with it. Tareq might not be the best guy around, but I think he at least slightly cares about Nadira's safety, which means he would help her back out of the deal.

    But to me it seemed like a pretty stupid thing to do to run off at night in a foreign place.

  10. Yeah, Maya she should of waited for Tareq. I personally think she should of stayed and played along until she would be heard when and if she said she changed her mind. Which she did. She did panic, but it's understandable.
    Please, Nadira
    Please come home safe

  11. Love your blog but not so fond of when you were talking about a chalkboard, AHHHH! I agree with Alissa about that she shouldn't have ran away but its like what other choice did she have. Really great job connecting the map thing!! :)

  12. I really like how you made the connection with the maps, and also to what makes yous finger tingle like Nadira's did. To answer your question, I am kind of in the middle. On one hand, she has no idea where she is or how to get back home, and I highly doubt that Tareq will give her a ride since she ran out on their deal. I also think it was wrong to take the money. On the other hand, we have no idea how it would have turned out if she had stayed with Tareq and got the fake IDs, for all we know, it could have worked.

  13. Great blog Becca!!!!!

    I love it. You made great connections :D and I also got really excited when I read that Nadira said she thinks she has a way to get Abba out of the situation he's in. I think Nadira did right by backing out. If her plan wouldn't have worked, then she too, would be messed up; like Aisha, her uncle, and Taslima [well,sorta].

  14. The whole "I think" in that quote, makes it kind of ominous.
