Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AMNQ-Blog #7

"Aisha shoves her plate aide and starts to cry. 'It's all my fault. I should have been able to convince them to let Uncle out.'" (page 86)

These sentences make me feel like Aisha has a lot of pressure on herself. I think that Aisha feels like because she might be "the smartest" she has to be in charge and if something goes wrong it is her fault. She thinks that if she tried harder she could have made a difference. The way I look at it is that there is only so much she can do and she did as much as she thought she could do at the time. I wish that Aisha let Nadira have more responsibilities and not just look at her as a younger sister because some of the time in the book Nadira acts like the older sibling. I am glad that Auntie reassured that it was not Aisha's fault. I think when Uncle and Auntie came to the United States they should have been ready to face the consequences even though they might not be fair.


  1. Nice examples Rebecca. I can see how you related the garden to her regular life. It will be interesting to see how Aisha turns her "garden" into a better one. Same goes to Nadira.

  2. I really like how you analyze what you think these sentences mean. I also agree that it's nice that Aisha isn't taking over and they are doing it together, as sisters. They both are going through the same thing and they need each other to succeed. I like how you say planting the seeds is like putting furniture in the house and making it more of a homey feeling. I really like this quote.

  3. Nice work Rebecca. I totally agree with you, Aisha does feel like everything that goes wrong is her fault. Her confidence definitely goes down every time that happens.

  4. Nice job!
    I really liked how you focused on what Aisha is dealing with. I also think its good that Auntie reassured Aisha that is was not her fault. I also think that Uncle and Auntie should have known that and been prepared when they moved to the United States.

    Good Job,

  5. Awsome job Becca! I also agree. I think Aisha is under A TON of pressure. I think she feels like she has to not only look after her sister, but also get their parents out of this mess, and now she probaly thinks she has to get Uncle out of his mess to! I know its really scary and stressful but i think she just needs to take a deep breath and understand that she couldn't have prevented any of this happening and its not even close to her fault.
    Great job!

  6. Great Job,

    I agree with all the points you made, relating Aisha's life to the garden is genius. I also do agree that Aisha is adding a lot of pressure to herself. I think she should give herself a slight break and do ask Nadirsa to help. They can work together on a team. Keep up the good work!

