Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AMNQ-Blog #9

"She's American-born. I can tell by her accent and the way she holds herself." (page 106)

These two sentences made me remember the part in the book when Aisha would practice how she looked and held herself in the mirror before school every night. This sentence made it seem like it doesn't matter how much practice you get you will never get perfect at looking American-born. It surprises me how the way you hold herself tells a lot about who you really are. I never notice how I hold myself but know that I have read these two sentences I want to be more aware.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Becca! I agree with the sentence in which you said that no matter how much practice you get you ill never be perfect at looking American-Born. But I also think that no matter how much practice you get you will never ACT as you were American-Born because no matter what, there will always be at least one person in your life who knows who you REALLY are.
